Month: January 2022

Controller turns android phone into a portable xbox

Microsoft does not appear to be planning a portable Xbox. There isn’t much of a necessity for such a product, given Sony’s failure with the Vita, Nintendo’s market domination with the Switch, and Microsoft’s device-agnostic business strategy. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a market for portable Xbox games. With Xbox Game Pass and the …

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BlackBerry Waves Goodbye to Its BlackBerryOS Smartphones

End of Life of the BlackBerry Smartphone End of life has finally come to the iconic smartphones of BlackBerry. Though it has already been declared dead a lot of times due to the fact that they’re going out of trend and losing their popularity, the company has finalized to end its services in January 4, …

BlackBerry Waves Goodbye to Its BlackBerryOS Smartphones Read More »

Taking internet security seriously

Being found out only once maybe an oversight from which lessons might be learned. However, doing it twice in a seven-year period demonstrates a laissez-faire attitude about the internet’s stability. Heartbleed appeared in 2014, demonstrating to the public that the standardization that powers the internet — in this case, the OpenSSL library that supports SSL/TLS …

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Can you detect whether someone’s online persona is genuine?

Gartner’s definition of identity proofing is rather strict. To put it another way, if you wish to bring an identity claim inside the scope of your organization’s risk tolerance, you must provide evidence that: There is indeed an actual identity in the real world. The individual claiming that identification is correct, and they are physically …

Can you detect whether someone’s online persona is genuine? Read More »

Blockchain Security Attacks and Issues

Blockchain Security Blockchain is a method of storing information in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. Cryptography, software-mediated contracts, and identity constraints are just a few of the built-in security aspects of blockchain technology. Considering these improvements, the blockchain sector has been afflicted by security …

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