How to Disable Google Chrome’s Download Blocking?

Downloads of dubious files are immediately blocked by Google Chrome. If you believe your file is fully secure, you can download it by temporarily enabling all downloads. Here’s how to accomplish it on a desktop computer, an Android device, an iPhone, or an iPad.

Unblock File Downloads in Google Chrome on the Desktop

If you’re downloading a file from a non-fraudulent site and are confident it’s safe to use, here’s how to disable Chrome’s security setting to allow all types of file downloads.

Select the three dots in the top-right corner.
Begin by opening Chrome on your PC. Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the browser.
Click “Settings” in the three-dot menu.
Click “Security and Privacy” on the left sidebar on the “Settings” page.
Click "Security" on the right.
Click “Security” in the “Security and Privacy” box on the right to access Chrome’s security options.
Activate the "No Protection (Not Recommended)" option.
Select “No Protection” from the “Safe Browsing” section on the “Security” page. This disables the security features of your browser.
Select "Turn Off" in the prompt.
Confirm your selection by selecting “Turn Off” from the popup.

Go ahead and download your file now that Chrome isn’t blocking it. Then, to re-protect your browser, re-enable Chrome’s security option.

Before utilizing your file, you should scan it for viruses.

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