
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used for writing queries for databases and also useful in managing relational databases (RDBMS). On the other hand, MySQL is an RDBMS which uses SQL to perform operations like data storing, modifying, and management in a tabular format.


MySQL is a readily available software which can be downloaded and installed while SQL needs to be learnt and worked on to make sure it can be used effectively


SQL is a fine language used for querying a database while MySQL is a database software that uses SQL to query the database.


SQL is used to query and operate on a database system while MySQL allows data handling, data storage, modification and deletion operations.


SQL code and commands are used in various RDBMS systems including MySQL. MySQL on the other hand, is used as an RDBMS database which can run SQL on top of it.


In SQL, the server remains independent of the database. On the other hand, in MySQL, you can perform a data backup by extract SQL statements. However, unlike SQL, in MySQL, the server blocks the database during a data backup session, minimizing data corruption chances when switching from one MySQL version to another.


SQL supports a single storage engine, but MySQL supports multiple storage engines and also plug-in storage engines.

Data Security

In SQL, external processes (like third-party apps) cannot access or manipulate the data directly. While in MySQL, one can easily manipulate or modify the database files during run time using binaries. Therefore, the SQL server is much more secure than the MySQL server.


SQL is a fixed language, commands and codes mostly stays the same. On the other hand, MySQL being a software gets frequent updates based on the changes.


SQL is very vital in most applications that has been majorly used throughout the world of IT. MySQL brings about a software makes the best use of storing data in databases and to work with it later on.

Also, SQL is not an open-source language. Naturally, if you experience any issue, you cannot expect community support. Instead, you’ll have to rely on Microsoft SQL Server support. Contrary to this, MySQL being an open-source platform, offers rich and robust community support.

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