Month: October 2021

Difference between High Level & Low Level Programming Languages

Generally, programming language is divided into two types. They are the High Level Programming Language and Low Level Programming Language. This blog presents you their difference. HIGH LEVEL LOW LEVEL Programmer Friendly Language Machine Friendly Language Less Memory Efficient High Memory Efficient Easy to understand and to debug Tough and complex to debug Simple to …

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How to Deploy Containerized WordPress using Repository in Ubuntu Server

After successfully installing WordPress in a docker container and pushing it in github repository, you can use it in other ubuntu server by following the steps Step 1: Clone Repository using git clone command Go to directory /var/www/html then paste the repository link. Her, I used a private repository and copy pasted it together with …

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South Korea broadband firm sues Netflix because of Squid Game

SK Broadband filed a lawsuit against Netflix to recover costs incurred as a result of increased network traffic and maintenance work as a result of the surge in viewers. According to the Seoul court, Netflix should compensate the internet service provider for network usage. Netflix’s standing as the country’s second-largest data traffic producer after Google’s …

South Korea broadband firm sues Netflix because of Squid Game Read More »

What is google Lens?

Google Lens is an AI-powered technology that combines your smartphone camera and deep machine learning to not only identify but also comprehend an object in front of the camera lens and provide activities like scanning, translation, and buying. You can use Google Lens to point your phone at anything, like a certain tower, and then …

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What is CentOS?

Community ENTerprise Linux Operating System (CentOS) is a community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open source ecosystem around a Linux platform. It is an enterprise class operating system supported by the community and released back in 2004. It is also referred to as the replica of Red Hat Enterprise Linux which is …

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud connects with Azure AD, Okta

GitHub is giving companies the ability to centrally manage GitHub team memberships through their identity provider, using GitHub’s Enterprise Managed Users service, now available for GitHub Enterprise Cloud users. The move, unveiled September 30, is intended to help companies of all sizes transition software development operations to the cloud. With Enterprise Managed Users, companies can connect …

GitHub Enterprise Cloud connects with Azure AD, Okta Read More »