Month: April 2023

Vuetify: A UI library for VueJs

Introduction Vue.js is an amazing JavaScript framework that has taken the world by storm. Developers are excited about its ability to create dynamic and powerful user interfaces. However, building a UI from scratch can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s where Vuetify comes in – a popular open-source UI library for Vue.js. Today, we’re going to …

Vuetify: A UI library for VueJs Read More »

Nanotechnology: The next big thing?

The process of modifying matter at a size close to the atomic level to create novel structures, materials, and gadgets is known as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology offers advances in science across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, consumer goods, energy, and medical. We refer to engineered systems, devices, and structures as nanotechnology. Materials at the …

Nanotechnology: The next big thing? Read More »

Overview about Eloquent in Laravel php

Someone or something that is articulate, expressive, or compelling in speech or writing is referred to as “eloquent.” Programmers typically use the term “Eloquent” to refer to the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system integrated into the Laravel PHP web application framework, known as Eloquent ORM. Eloquent ORM provides a simple and elegant way to interact with …

Overview about Eloquent in Laravel php Read More »

Overview of a Common Directory Structure for a Python Flask Web App

This is a directory structure commonly used for a Python Flask web application, which is a microweb framework for Python. The structure helps keep the code organized and easy to understand, with separate directories for the main package, static assets, tests, and instance-specific configuration files. It also includes files for models, routes, templates, and dependencies. …

Overview of a Common Directory Structure for a Python Flask Web App Read More »

Learning Photoshop Tools – Retouching Tools

Adobe Photoshop has essential retouching tools that users can use to modify and enhance images to their desired results. These tools help in repairing, restoring, and improving images by adjusting color and lighting, removing unwanted elements, and enhancing details. There are a variety of retouching tools available in Photoshop, each with their own unique features …

Learning Photoshop Tools – Retouching Tools Read More »

Tired of Unskippable youTube Ads but don’t want to buy youTube premium

Why there are to many ads on YouTube Because the advertisements are corporations’ way of making a market with the internet. They pay a fee to have their adds placed on sites and above videos, and by watching them, that generates revenue for the content creator and the hosting domain itself. But the Google-owned platform …

Tired of Unskippable youTube Ads but don’t want to buy youTube premium Read More »

Organizing Your Odoo Module: Understanding the File and Directory Structure

In this article, we’ll explore the typical directory and file structure of an Odoo module, including the purpose of each file and directory. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to organize your code and resources for your Odoo module. This file tells Python that the directory is a Python package. …

Organizing Your Odoo Module: Understanding the File and Directory Structure Read More »

Buying a Graphics Card: Which is the best for you?

A graphics card or Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) renders images, videos, and animations on a computer screen, and it is an essential component of a computer system. It contains a dedicated processor, memory, and other components that work together to process and output high-quality graphics to the display. The graphics card is responsible for handling …

Buying a Graphics Card: Which is the best for you? Read More »