Month: September 2022

Flutter 2 vs. Flutter 3: What Can We Expect From Flutter in the Future?

What is Flutter? Flutter is a cross-platform software development kit (SDK) for mobile app development. Flutter used the Dart programming language to make apps for Android and iOS devices. Because it is cross-platform, it allows for the creation of apps with a native appearance and feels on both Android and iOS devices using a single …

Flutter 2 vs. Flutter 3: What Can We Expect From Flutter in the Future? Read More »

Jira’s advantages as a project management tool

Jira is a free project management tool. For groups who need to work together effectively, it’s a perfect choice. A streamlined user interface for the tool features arrows to denote transitions and colored blocks to indicate statuses. It also keeps track of modifications and work that has been done in response to problems, and it …

Jira’s advantages as a project management tool Read More »

How to Add Images in Flutter (2022 Version)

Introduction: Flutter apps can include both code and assets (sometimes called resources). An asset is a file that is bundled and deployed with your app, and is accessible at runtime. Common types of assets include static data (for example, JSON files), configuration files, icons, and images (JPEG, WebP, GIF, animated WebP/GIF, PNG, BMP, and WBMP). Add Image …

How to Add Images in Flutter (2022 Version) Read More »

How to Use Gradient Screen Color in Flutter

What is Gradient Color gradients take a starting color and position and an ending color and position. Then it performs a transition between the colors. With consideration of color theory, they can make an application more visually interesting than a plain design. A gradient creates visual interest and helps move users through a design. The eye will …

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How to Install Dart SDK (as Zip file) in Windows

What is Dart? On any platform, Dart is a client-optimized language for creating quick apps. With a configurable execution runtime platform for app platforms, it aims to provide the most productive programming language for cross-platform development. The Dart programming language utilizes static type checking to guarantee that a variable’s value always corresponds to the static …

How to Install Dart SDK (as Zip file) in Windows Read More »

Front End Development: Common Tools and Programming Language

A front-end developer’s main duty is to make sure website users can readily interact with the page. They manage this by combining design, technology, and programming to code a website’s layout and handle debugging. Everything you see, click on or utilize when visiting a website is a front-end developer’s creation. The tools and programming language …

Front End Development: Common Tools and Programming Language Read More »

How to Generate KeyStore in Flutter | Visual Studio Code

What is a KeyStore? A KeyStore is nothing more than a repository, database, or collection of key pairs, secret keys, or certificates. A KeyStore is referred to as a TrustStore when it simply stores certificates. It is referred to be a KeyStore when Private Keys are included with their accompanying Certificate chain (Key Pair or …

How to Generate KeyStore in Flutter | Visual Studio Code Read More »

How To Hide The File Status Icon As Well As The U And M File Markers In Visual Studio Code

Why use git status? The git status command is used to display the state of the repository and staging area. It allows us to see the tracked, untracked files and changes. This command will not show any commit records or information. Mostly, it is used to display the state between Git Add and Git commit commands. We can check …

How To Hide The File Status Icon As Well As The U And M File Markers In Visual Studio Code Read More »

How to Properly Delete Unused Emulator in Android Studio

Through Android Studio you can create apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, and Android Auto, which offers a single development environment. You may split your project into functional portions that you can separately create, test, and debug using structured code modules. Using Android Studio consumes large disk space storage whenever you use …

How to Properly Delete Unused Emulator in Android Studio Read More »